Monday, 31 October 2011

Virgin Blogger

Today is a momentous day, I've been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century by creating my own Blog!!!  I said I'd never want to email, facebook or text ( I love sending and receiving hand written letters), but now I do all three, and finally blogging.  I don't really want to share my thoughts with all but a select few, and how do you know if people are genuinely interested or just being voyeuristic? Why would I assume people would be interested in the ramblings of an angst ridden, middle aged, vegetarian with self esteem issues?
My intention is to post some of my thoughts, inspirations, artworks and art gallery visits at regular intervals.
Tomorrow armed with sarnies, notebook and camera, I am visiting the Baltic, Gateshead to view 'the very best of current British art' the Turner Prize contenders for 2011.
What will my response be?  The nation holds it's breath.......